WWW: rtfg5
It is the section of the Internet which is easy to use for the non-experts. By WWW or World Wide Web you get the text, graphics, sound and video which are provided by many groups, companies and individuals.
E-mail (Electronic Mail) is the facility used at Internet to send or receive a message, data or information. If you want to use the E-mail you will need a computer, a modem and an E-mail address. With E-mail you can send or receive messages at once over long distances also.
A Bulletin Board System is a system which is used to transfer messages and programs in an electronic form. A modem accesses a bulletin board. You can call a BBS with your modem if you want to exchange computer files, the latest gossips and e-mail.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a populer way by which files are transferred between computers on the Internet. Verious government organizations, universities and companies operating
worldwide have been able to make files available to the public. If you want to go through or copy these files to your computer, you can do so by using the FTP.
worldwide have been able to make files available to the public. If you want to go through or copy these files to your computer, you can do so by using the FTP.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, the standard for describing and showing the contents and appearance of pages on the WWW or World Wide Web. HTML consists of pairs of opening and closing tags, with attributes and also values in between them. The tags describe each and every element on a Web page, such as a paragraph of text, photos, a table, or an image.
Information Superhighways:
Information Superhighway is a high-speed network used worldwide by which people exchange information, e-mail, study. They keep themselves informed about the incidents who taking place across the world. They get large amount of government, business and educational information. They can also plan vacations, bank and shop with the help of information superhighway from their computers sitting at home.
The Internet is just a model of the information superhighway as many of these features are provided by it. The other features are turning out to be real. The credit goes to thee growth of telephone networks, Cable TV, service providers and satellites.
Internet Address:
Internet Address is the location of an electronic letter-box on the internet. An internet address comes into view as : Yourname@Yourlocation. The words that follow @ stands for the machine name and zone. The postal address is replaced by them on an envelope.
Modem is a device used to connect a computer to the Internet via a telephone line. The full form of modem is modulator and demodulator. It is used to convert digital signals to analogue and analogue signals back to their digital format.