How Many Types of Networks?
1. Local Area Network:
A Local Area Network or LAN is a network consisting of two or more computers located in a small area. We generally see this type of network in homes, schools, offices or groups of buildings clustered in an area not more than one kilometre in radius. LANs use cables as the medium of data transmission. In a LAN, computers can be connected in many different ways. The order in which all terminals are connected to the main computer or server is called Topology. There are three types of topologies in Local Area Networking:
A. Star Topology
B. Bus Topology
C. Token-ring Topology
A. Star Topology:
In the star Network topologies, all the workstations are directly connected to the server. The server in this topology works like a center of the star and workstations as different arms of the same.This topology is used when a less number of workstations are connected to the server in a linked short distance.
B. Bus Topology:
In bus Network topology, the workstations are connected to a central cable known as Bus which starts from server and carries all data in it. The workstation shares the data information from the server with help like of Bus. This topology is used comparatively for higher number of workstations in a large space because it is used in it. Also, there are chances of bus congestion (jam). So, this network proves slower comparing to the others.
C. Token Ring Topology:
In this topology of networking, the PCs are connected to one another in the form of a Ring and the data is shared from one computer to another. Information flows from one computer to the another computer to reach its destination.
2. Wide Area Network:
Wide Area Network provides connections to distant resources and networks. WAN
provides countrywide or worldwide connections via telephone lines and satellites. A multinational organization may have a WAN to connect the numerous offices around the world.
provides countrywide or worldwide connections via telephone lines and satellites. A multinational organization may have a WAN to connect the numerous offices around the world.
3. Metropolitan Area Network:
Metropolitan Area Networks usually high-speed fiberoptic networks that connect LAN segments within a specific area, such as a campus, industrial park, or city. A MAN consists of cabling and communications equipment that is usually owned and installed by the network owner.
Internet is the biggest network in world. It could be called the Networks of Networks as it links computer networks spread the world over. It reaches millions of persons on thousands of interconnected networks. The internet is widely used for e-mails and bulletin boards.